Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Pumpkin Butter

I don't know if I would really call this a "recipe". Basically I had pumpkin puree left over from the Pumpkin Cream Pie, and I wanted to use it for something. I searched for a few recipes for Pumpkin Butter online, but ended up just coming up with something on my own from what I had in my kitchen. I hope you guys like it! I do!

These measurings are very approximate. I was just throwing the ingredients together trying to make something delicious!

1/4 cup melted butter
1/2 cup pumpkin puree
1/2 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
1 cup (?) powdered sugar

Adjust the ingredients until it tickles your fancy. I think I may have used more than a cup of sugar (maybe two?), and more like a teaspoon of the spice.


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